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capital sum中文

用"capital sum"造句"capital sum" in a sentence"capital sum"怎麼讀


  • (給保險人的)最大保險金額。


  • According to diana ' s will , the brothers gain access to the capital sum when they turn 30
  • According to diana & ; rsquo ; s will , the brothers gain access to the capital sum when they turn 30
  • According to diana ' s will , the brothers gain access to the capital sum when they turn 30 . william and harry are both
  • The trc so purchased will bear simple interest but interest is payable only on that part of the capital sum eventually repaid to taxpayer upon final determination of the objection or appeal
  • The trc so purchased will bear simple interest but interest is payable only on that part of the capital sum eventually repaid to taxpayer upon final determination of the objection or appeal
  • The education deposit is one of the time deposit of small savings for lump - sum withdrawal with the minimum initial amount of deposit of 50 rmb yuan and the maximum limit of total capital sum of 20 , 000 rmb yuan
  • Harry , 22 , william ' s brother , will gain access to a similar amount when he turns 25 . according to diana ' s will , the brothers gain access to the capital sum when they turn 30
  • Singapore ' s securities market is one of the most important international securities markets in asia , which is specialized for the role of its exchange , the relationship between its main board and sesdaq , the requirements on the listing companies ' capital sum , period of concern , the ratio of public holding or distribution of the shares , and the period of moratorium
  • In this case , the bonds were not necessarily representative of any real assets , but the government ' s promise to pay interest and eventually repay the capital sum involved were backed by taxable capacity of the whole community , and , measured by the total amount of money which changes hands , the value of transactions in “ gilt - edged ” stocks now exceeds all the rest put together
用"capital sum"造句  
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